Essentia 15: Magnetism
The essence of the human design gate 15 is love for humanity.
The name in the I-Ching 15 is: Humility
This energy holds the key to love for humanity, equality, flexibility, and fairness.
You have a sense of being at the right moment in the right place. Trust your guiding heart.
These essences hold the potential for compassion for people of all walks of life and layers of society. It weaves connections together to create growth and expansion.
Using this energy in your soulful business:
- You are good at connecting and bringing people together in ways that feel nourishing and inspiring.
- You are trustworthy and openhearted.
- Your softness invites people into your world and feels nourishing.
- You invite individuality and love the diversity of everything.
- Authenticity is a strong foundation for sustainable growth.
- Allow yourself to follow the highs and lows of your energy and create in alignment with them.
- Open yourself to the beautiful diversity of people outside your circles and know that everyone has something valuable to share.
- Money flows through you from others. Embrace the connections and co-creations.
This energy is the key to magnetism.
At the foundation of it, there is connection and collaboration. Use the burst of energy and your natural cycles in a way that is supportive and creative.
Trust the whispers of your heart.

If you have gate 15 activated in your chart:
- You have a natural ability to connect with others and create symbiotic supportive relationships.
- You are deeply authentic.
- Following your own rhythm and the rhythm of nature makes you magnetic.
- When you are in alignment you know who you are.
- Trust the whispers of your heart.
- Appreciate people that are different from you and open your heart to compassion.
- Connect with your heart space and allow yourself to feel what is true
- Value the gifts and skills of people that are diverse and different from you.
Shadow of Gene Key 15:
- Fearing the diversity of others.
- Trying to fit in and making yourself small while not trusting your own knowing.
- Going from one extreme to the other and not finding the middle ground.
- Not seeing beyond your own judgment and having a closed horizont.

Learnings from Human Design Gate 15:
- Allow yourself to follow the cycles and trust your own rhythm from the inside out instead of following outside structures that make you feel tight and caged in.
- Connections and co-creations are at the heart of your magnetism.