In the meantime, I do have a special offer for you to join a community of soulful and like-minded women for a special introductory price.

This membership is a commitment to stay connected with your growth and expansion in a sustainable and soul-aligned way.
Taking regular steps towards creating the life and business you desire. Showing up with an open heart. Practicing to master your own energy. Practicing to be an open channel for consciousness to express through you.

Embodying love in everything you do. Make the time to nourish, hold and lead yourself, so you can inspire those around you to do the same for themselves. Attracting the right relationships and clients that fill your energy up and co-creating in an inspired and magical way.
Living from your desires. Allowing yourself to receive and make the money that supports the lifestyle you desire.

- Aligning yourself with the formula for abundance
- Allowing your desires

- Sustainable growth
- Nervous system regulation to feel safe while growing

- Your energy capacity
- Practice to allow more clients, be of service and receive

- Your definition of success
- Your core values anchor in your direction
For me Eos is the epitome of the balance of feminine & masculine energy in business. And this is fully represented in the beautiful Aurum platform where intuition and structure walk hand in hand.
I joined Aurum as I felt I really needed to have that structure but not the pushy type one that is based solely on hustle & strategy. If like me you’ve got a big vision for your work but are also a deeply sensitive soul, you will feel at home there.
Eos holds a space that is both gentle & intuitive as well as grounded with strong structure & powerful guidance. I already feel part of a sisterhood with her & the amazing women in there; I feel supported, elevated, seen, and loved.
Same for my business, I am guided to aim high, stay on course and show up. It’s powerful and that’s the type of community Eos creates and I’m so grateful to her for it.
- Thank you, Eos to open up the soulful space for connection, inspiration, and nourishment with beautiful other women from all over the world. I have learned so much from each coaching and co-working session so far.The platform is super easy to navigate through. Your support through further material like meditation, videos, and soulwords are wonderful and I am really looking forward to how this will support me in creating my soulful business.
Participating in Aurum these last few months has been nourishing and inspiring for me. I have been surprised to find myself taking brave actions in my life and work while feeling held in a community of support.
Eos brings a down-to-earth yet magical quality to the group. I especially enjoy connecting with the group around dreams and goals, it’s not something that I was in the practice of doing and I’m finding it so helpful!
- Being in the circle has been such a nourishing and supporting experience for me!Arriving in that space, permission just to be me, fully vulnerable sharing what is happening for me on my journey is so powerful.I always leave the call reconnected and recharged, and with a feeling of a strong sisterhood.I also LOVED the Co-working session, I could work on something I have procrastinated for weeks and during the co-working call, I felt so supported that I just started, and I was back in my flow!I love the group and I receive so much love and wisdom!I wouldn’t like to miss anymore!
Aurum is a wonderful circle of international women holding and supporting each other in creating their soulful businesses.
I have already enjoyed such a circle organised by Eos within the Soulful Website Academy and have found friends and strong support for my business there. Now I am happy to continue this beautiful experience in a strong business network for soulful women.
Eos is an excellent and experienced leader who has a deep understanding of the energies behind a successful business.
I am really grateful to have met her and am glad and proud to be a founding member of Aurum.
The membership is open for registration between the 2nd and 7th of February 2022.
If you join in this timeframe you will be able to have and keep the current price for as long as you will keep your subscription even when the price will go up for the new opening in Summer 2022.
As soon as you join the orientation material and a recorded mediation to anchor in your highest timeline is ready for you to dive in straight away.
The time you dedicate is flexible and you can decide. You can’t get behind in this experience.
Together we explore the monthly themes through different mediums. Every month you will get some new input on growing and expanding your soulful business and abundance consciousness.
The lessons and material I share will vary from month to month and include meditations, worksheets, and practical exercises to grow your business.
You will have a space inside our private membership to share our experiences and connect with each other. Here you can check in daily if needed, once every month, or not at all. You decide the amount of time you spend on this and what feels right for you.
The coaching session is 60 minutes and you can send in your questions through a form beforehand or join the call and get some group coaching.
The co-working session is 90 minutes and you will dedicate this time to intensively focus on one task that moves your business ahead.
A co-working session is a 90-minute zoom meeting where we all come together and focus on moving our business ahead.
We will open the session by setting an intention for where we want to direct our energy and I will hold the space for you for clear and confident inspired action-taking.
This session alone can move your business forward one step at a time.
The material and group interaction is on my private membership platform where you can log in through your computer, tablet, or phone.
Our group coaching call and the co-working session will be held through zoom. So you need a stable and working internet connection and having a device where you have the zoom app installed.
There are no set times for the group coaching call and co-working session.
I will vary the times a little bit from month to month and try to accommodate the majority of women inside the group.
The sessions will be recorded and you can send in your questions for the group coaching call beforehand if you are not able to join.
Yes, the sessions will be recorded and shared afterward.
The Aurum membership is a monthly commitment.
You can cancel at any time and the membership will end when your open month is finished.
However, the price will likely go up after our beta round and if you cancel and join again, you will need to pay the current monthly rate at that time.